Over 50 emerging scientists and clinicians were among the finalists of the Early Career Investigator Award in AHA Scientific Sessions 2021. These prestigious awards were designed to recognize the marvelous endeavors by early career investigators who submitted their abstracts to AHA Scientific Sessions 2021. The selection process included not only the quality of the abstracts but also their scientific acumen and contributions to their disciplines.
It is amazing to see the increasing number of early career investigators tackling the challenge of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. A larger number of them have been funded by AHA grants and fellowships. There are also more than international ten finalists from institutions in Europe and Asia. During the AHA Scientific Sessions, the finalists will present their oral abstracts. These presentations cover a wide range of topics ranging from basic sciences research to clinical applications. There are also several dedicated networking sessions for junior scientists and clinicians to expand their professional network for career development.
Another highlight of this year’s AHA Scientific Sessions is the joint event of AHA and Japanese Circulation Society (JCS) held on Nov 12, 2021. JCS has been one of the leading organizations of cardiovascular research for nearly 90 years. JCS is not only responsible for research and medical care for cardiovascular disease in Japan and Asia but also for aims to improve the health care system and train future researchers and physicians for cardiovascular diseases. During the annual meeting of JCS, the society always provide emerging scientists, clinicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with endless opportunities for networking and career development.
Last but not least, a team of AHA Career Bloggers will be live Tweeting during the scientific sessions. Make sure to follow the hashtag #AHA21 for the latest.
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