
Cardiovascular Disease in the Filipino American Community: Revisiting Our Beloved Filipino-Comfort Foods

Filipino Americans make up the 3rd largest Asian American group with about 4.2 million living in the United States1. The burden of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in this group is significant, with 1 in 3 having CVD and a 48% increase in Filipina women undergoing coronary bypass surgery or percutaneous intervention (from 3% to 51%)2. Even … Read more

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome was found to be associated with increased cardiovascular complications at the time of delivery

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association shows that women of reproductive age with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are at increased risk of cardiovascular events (peripartum cardiomyopathy, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmias, venous thromboembolism, and acute kidney injury) at the time of delivery admissions.1 PCOS is a common endocrine disorder affecting … Read more

Who Am I? Ruminations of a Cardiology Fellow

I walked out of the hospital after my last inpatient shift of my first year of Cardiology fellowship and let out a sigh. It felt like I was releasing a breath I’d been holding in for years. Four years ago, as I started intern year, I told myself that I would dedicate the first years … Read more

Primordial Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease through Heart-Healthy Diet

The prevalence of cardiovascular disease has been rising in the past decades. Advances in cardiovascular therapies have significantly improved cardiovascular disease survival, which can augment the increasing trends of cardiovascular disease. Thus, the question is raised of how we can prevent this ongoing public health issue. Multiple strategies have been developed to prevent cardiovascular disease, … Read more

E-cigarette use is a health concern, but long-term consequences remain unknown

Recently, I happened to take a route home that led me through my local high school as the students were dismissed for the day. There was some traffic because of dismissal as students traveled home in their vehicles or were picked up by parents/guardians. As I inched along the path to the main road, the … Read more

PET or MRI, that is the question – Part 2

In our previous blogs, we discussed ASL MRI to image abnormal blood vessels in Moyamoya patients. We looked at a study that compared MRI and PET images of normal and healthy people. In this blog, we will look at the application of ASL MRI on adult Moyamoya patients. According to the latest study by Dr. … Read more

The Power of Mentorship

As many of us are finalizing our application for fellowship this summer, it’s also a wonderful time to reflect on the journeys that brought us here. It’s no small feat to complete undergraduate training, medical school, and internal medicine residency and have all of that hard work culminate in this application for cardiovascular fellowship training. … Read more

The controversy over alcohol consumption: Is it good or bad for your heart?

If you go to a party or a professional event, you won’t be surprised to find that alcoholic beverages are served. In fact, in most cases, it’s even expected. Alcohol consumption has been present throughout human history. So do its effects. Excessive drinking has been linked to many health risks, including high blood pressure, heart … Read more

My First Year As An Attending – What I have learned

After many years of training, it finally happened, I was going to be an attending. The goal we all strive for – to take the training wheels off, practice what we learned, and provide the best care possible for our patients. I spent months leading up to my first week on service incredibly nervous and … Read more

Lilly’s MounjaroTM (Tirzepatide): A New Sheriff in Town

The prevalence of diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate, with more than 34 million Americans suffering from diabetes1. Patients with type 2 diabetes make up 90% to 95% of total diabetes cases1. Type 2 diabetic patients either do not produce enough insulin or develop insulin resistance, resulting in elevation of their blood glucose levels2. … Read more