Mentorship Rests On Communication

Filing up on to the stage and taking their seat behind the microphones, the Early Career Day Panel on mentoring literally ‘set the stage’ for the young investigators at AHA Scientific Sessions 2017.  Ranging from junior faculty to seasoned professionals, the speakers introduce themselves and share their top tips for mentoring.   The Highlights Emelia Benjamin … Read more

Tips For Early Career Physicians, AHA 2017- Anaheim, CA

As an attendee of the 2017 American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions in Anaheim- California, I have had a chance to attend one of the most comprehensive scientific sessions on tips for early career physicians. This session was very rich and answered some of the questions that we face as early career cardiologists. Particularly, questions … Read more

So It Begins…

On my first morning at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions, I picked up my badge and joined the stream of scientists flowing through the sunshine-filled hallways of the Anaheim Convention Center before making my way up the escalator to Ballroom B. A panel of personalities commanded a large table at the head of the … Read more