Eating To Live Or Living To Eat? The Weight-Gain Struggle During a Pandemic

To my fellow physicians and patient providers, how many of your patients have gained weight and blamed it on the pandemic due to limited options for physical activity outside of the home? Unsurprisingly, almost all of my patients I’ve seen over the past year have fallen victim to this, with good reason. They are protecting … Read more

A New Year, A New Story: Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle in 2019

A new year presents a new opportunity for improvement. Each year, thousands of advertisements beckon us to join or buy the most recent fitness and wellness craze – wearable technologies, personal coaching, pea protein and oat milk. However, if trends are not your thing, you may find it reassuring that “traditional” fitness and wellness strategies (e.g., … Read more

Improving Vascular Health: Nutritional Coaching

There has been an ongoing misconception of weight being a consequence of over-nutrition. The relationship between calorie intake versus calories spent continues to overshadow the biological forces that resist the maintenance of weight. Although scientists started to recognize obesity as a chronic disease in 1985, it was about 28 years later before the American Medical … Read more

Nursing And Allied Professional Sessions At The American Heart Association

During the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, there were great sessions. It was really a struggle to make an overview of all the nurses and allied professional sessions in a short blog; they were just all very interesting and informative. But I summarized the topics that were for me the most interesting during the Sessions. … Read more