PCSK9: From Bench to Bedside

The proatherogenic role of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol is well established and reduction of LDL cholesterol is one of the central pillars of management and prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The prevention of atherosclerotic events directly correlates with the reduction in LDL cholesterol and growing evidence supports the notion that the lower the LDL, the … Read more

Elevated Lipoprotein A, are we ready to intervene?

Lipid abnormalities can be classified into four clinical groups:1) elevated triglycerides, 2) low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C),3) elevated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and 4) elevated lipoprotein A.  Lipoprotein A disorder has been the least lipid abnormality studied from a clinical standpoint. Although many mendelian and genome-wide association studies have shown an association between elevated lipoprotein … Read more

Channeling Health Care Delivery and Implementation Science in Cardiology for Improved Outcomes

The opening session for AHA21 was nothing sort of inspirational. In the opening session, a quote by Dr. Keith Ferdinand, Professor of Medicine and Chair of Preventative Cardiology at Tulane University, really stuck with me. The topic was how is the field of medicine adjusting in the midst of the challenges faced and inequities uncovered … Read more

New Cholesterol Guidelines From A Neurologist’s Perspective

The American Heart Association’s annual premier conference “Scientific Sessions 2018” concluded on Monday. This meeting showcases the latest advancements and discoveries in the field of cardiovascular medicine and is attended by clinicians and researchers from across the world. Being a vascular neurologist, I have attended the International Stroke Conference organized by the AHA several times, … Read more

Metformin: A diabetes medication with cardiovascular protective effects

What if a diabetes medication can improve cardiovascular events? Since patients with type II diabetes are more prone to cardiac events, the use of diabetes medication to help reduce cardiovascular burden would definitely be beneficial. One of such medications is the drug, Metformin. Metformin, also know with the trade name of Glucophage, is the first-line … Read more

The Liver’s New Job: Making An Immune Response Towards Cholesterol!

If you think the liver’s only relationship with cholesterol is to control its metabolism and excretion, think again. It turns out the liver is also involved in the immune response towards cholesterol particularly in situations where cholesterol is increased, a recent study published in the Circulation Research journal shows.   In a previous post, I … Read more

Lipid-lowering Therapy In Young Adults: Do We Need To Re-invent The Wheel Or Just Align It?

Elevated cholesterol levels or hypercholesterolemia can be found for years or even decades, before individuals present with cardiovascular disease and complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, or sudden cardiac death. The diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia and its treatment along with healthy lifestyle changes including a healthy diet and exercise as well as blood pressure control, are … Read more

Can Increasing HDL Reduce Heart Disease? An Issue Of Constant Debate!

A couple of years ago I was fortunate to attend the HDL workshop that followed the ATVB council conference, which was held in San Francisco. The workshop’s main focus was to discuss and debate high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or what is commonly known as “the good cholesterol,” and how it influences heart disease.   You may … Read more