Innovations in 3-D and 4-D Technology in the Cath Lab

There have been tremendous advances in 3-dimensional (3-D) technologies in the past few years, not only in various medical and surgical fields but also in our daily lives outside of work; with more and more new features in cell phones, computer design programs, and movies!!  4-dimensional (4-D) imaging captures 3-D images over time. These technologies … Read more

How is the COVID-19 pandemic affecting cardiac patients and the cath lab?

Amongst the uncertainty of the future and how this pandemic will end, there comes a huge responsibility on all healthcare workers to care for the sickest patients while staying safe, to lead their healthcare systems and to come together as one unit against this crisis. Seeing how this pandemic has affected our healthcare system, from … Read more

Referral Letter

A typical referral letter arrives in my tray: A 55-year-old diabetic female noticed pain and discoloration of the right foot for several days.   Immediate admission was arranged for this patient: A junior resident presents the case. She has clerked the patient and filled all the necessary forms and ticked all the necessary boxes. Everything … Read more