I have always been impressed and inspired by the impact of medicine and voluntary work on people’s life. I have recently known about great initiatives and projects organized by young physicians across the globe to help those who are in need. I had the pleasure to interview one of these inspiring physicians, Dr. Yassine Abdeljebbar. I decided to dedicate series of blogs to talk about voluntary and humanitarian work, how to get involved in these projects and how was Dr. Yassine Abdeljebbar’s experience in this field.
It is our pleasure to interview you Dr. Yassine Abdeljebbar!! To start our interview, tell us about yourself and your brief journey.
I am a young doctor, started my career in a public hospital and joined from the beginning of my career the health center located in the Algerian extreme south, In Guezzam more precisely. I came to the United States of America to do research as a postdoctoral fellow at Mount Sinai hospital Icahn school of medicine in 2019.
Originally from west Algeria, since I started studying medicine, I have always tried to put my services to the most disadvantaged, which provided me a rich experience in the charitable field. I am a member of many organizations and medical associations, even environmental ones such as Collective HAMEB, Je Vous Aime, AAMICO, OIM , we Algerians .. etc
Today, I am committed to promoting a positive spirit in the new generations. I aim to inspire the young people who would, in turn, like to become activists by sharing my experience and my passion for mutual aid and solidarity through various humanitarian actions, conferences, workshops, appearances on television, radio, and on social networks.
How did you come up with the idea of devoting yourself to humanitarian work?
The idea of humanitarian work had been around since I was young. As a human, I felt a desire but, above all an immense need to help others. I have never imagined walking my way past someone who needs me without reaching out to him. I dreamed of doing medicine to help those who are suffering because I can understand their struggles. My principle is humanity above all. As a doctor, you should put yourself in the patient’s shoes, sympathize with his pain, and then do everything possible to ease the pain.
Thanks to my parents, I am capable of chairing my passion for charity work today. They encouraged me to study medicine and help people who are in need.
Any advice for doctors or future doctors who want to get into humanitarian work?
Humanitarian work doesn’t just give you moral satisfaction, it’s also a great way to learn medicine in the field, so never hesitate to get involved with others. It’s an excellent experience that will help you and your community.
Stay tuned for more discussions in future blogs!! In future blogs, we will discuss more of these humanitarian activities, share some photos of prior experiences, and share resources for those interested in joining.
I would like to say a special thank you to Dr. Yassine Abdeljebbar, who dedicated the time to interview with us and share his experiences with all of us.
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