I am happy to present the first-ever AHA Early Career Voice Vlog! I am pleased to be able to have Drs. Rajat Kalra, Forum Kamdar, and Kurt Prins, all early faculty in academic cardiology, discuss their experience looking for and obtaining academic cardiology positions. Drs. Kalra, Kamdar, and Prins have been my mentors and role models throughout my residency and fellowship training and I am so glad they were willing to share their experiences and advice with us! They discussed various topics from how they looked for academic cardiology positions to how they negotiated their contracts.
Dr. Rajat Kalra is a clinician-scientist in the Imaging Section of the University of Minnesota’s Cardiovascular Division. His academic interests pertain to the use of clinical, laboratory, and imaging biomarkers to define the mechanisms underlying heart failure and cardiac arrest and refine prognostication in these conditions, Dr. Kalra’s clinical interests encompass the breadth of general cardiology and cardiac imaging.
Dr. Forum Kamdar is an advanced heart failure and transplant cardiologist and a Doris Duke-funded physician-scientist. She has a strong clinical and research interest in advanced heart failure associated with neuromuscular disorders. Her lab developed patient cell-based models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy to further elucidate mechanisms and she co-founded the Neuromuscular Cardiomyopathy Clinic.
Dr. Kurt Prins is an NIH-funded physician-scientist who performs translational research to understand mechanisms of right ventricular dysfunction in pulmonary hypertension. He also sees pulmonary hypertension patients.
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