Two AHA Councils, the Council on Hypertension and the Council on Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease, have joined forces with the American Society of Hypertension to make Joint Hyptertension 2018 Scientific Sessions (#Hypertension18) among the most impactful. Dr. Karen Griffin, FAHA Vice Chair for the Council on Hypertension Scientific Sessions Planning Committee calls it the “premier scientific meeting on hypertension in the world”. Understandably so; it boast experts from areas of cardiorenal disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and genetics to make for a vast cross-disciplianry session with the up-to-date information on hypertension. This year’s meeting received 439 abstracts in 37 categories, over 125 expert peer reviewers, and more than 20 countries represented.
There will be several interactive sessions that will target the established researcher/clinician, early career, and everything in between. With the addition of the new concurrent session D-Track, Clinical Practice Clinical Science and Primary Care tracks, a dimension will be added for elucidate the research science/clinical practice as it relates to patient care. In light of all the sessions that are available one should not have a problem reaching the milestones set by the program coordinators (infra vide).
To point out a few conference highlights, there will be 24 oral sessions, 3 poster sessions, and travel award talks:
The Excellence Award for Hypertension Research (Saturday, September 8, 2018)
- R. Clinton Webb, PhD, FAHA presents “A Study of the Innate Immune Response in Hypertension”
- Paul K. Whelton, MB, MD, MSc, FAHA presents “Clinical Trials and Practice Guidelines: Evidence-Based Progress in Lowering Blood Pressure”
Conference Awards
- 10 Council on Hypertension New Investigator Travel Awards
- 10 Council on Kidney in Cardiovascular Disease New Investigator Awards
- 4 New Investigator Travel Awards
- 6 Hypertension Early Career Oral Award Finalists
- 12 AFHRE Travel Award for Patient-Oriented or Clinical Research in Hypertension
- 1 Clinical Science Investigator Award for Excellence in Translational or Clinical Hypertension Research
- 3 New Investigator Awards for Japanese Fellows
25 Poster Presenters can potentially win the competition this year! Which has gone up significantly from the previous years.
I am excited to go to Chicago for #Hypertension18 this year. If there is anything you need to enhance your experience during your time at the conference contact the program officials (directions in the program book).
I look forward to meeting you all! If you see me around tweeting, introduce yourself. I love meeting new people and learning new things. After all, that is why we are all going, right? 🙂
#Hypertension18 Conference Learning Objectives:
- Discuss changes to the AHA/ACC guidelines for the management of hypertension and their clinical implications.
- Describe opportunities to improve blood pressure measurement in the clinical setting to provide more accurate results.
- Identify immune and inflammatory mechanisms that contribute to the development of hypertension and hypertension-related end-organ damage and discuss the research and clinical implications.
- Educate participants about medical approaches for the management of co-morbid obesity in patients with hypertension.
- Describe new and emerging strategies for treating resistant hypertension.
- Describe participants on the impact of value-based reimbursement on hypertension management and identify opportunities to improve its management.
Leave a comment or tweet @AnberithaT and @AHAMeetings if you have questions or are interested in something else specifically.
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