At the conclusion of every conference I attend, I’m reminded of the need to keep the momentum and energy of the experience alive after the journey home. This year’s Scientific Sessions was no exception. I got to expand my knowledge base, connect with other fellow attendees and presenters, and learn new guidelines to take back home.
How do we keep the motivation alive to ensure conference success?
Without further ado, I will share my “Top Tips for Conference Success.” Many of these tips and tidbits are pieces of advice I’ve collected by attending sessions over the years. Give one (or more) of these a try at your next meeting (or suggest some of your own) and let me know what you think in the comments!
- Turn the abstract into a manuscript while you are on the plane home
You know that poster that you created? The one that you spent 45 minutes standing next to during the conference? Start the manuscript while you are traveling home; the material is fresh in your mind.
- Bring the learning back to your community… Pay it forward
Plan an educational session or a recap of the material covered for your own peers or organizations
- Be inspired by what you have seen and come up with new ideas for future research
Innovate, innovate, innovate! Maybe you envision a collaboration! Go after it!
- Follow up with the contacts you have made during the conference
Emails, LinkedIn, Twitter, regular phone calls, snail mail! Remember your business card if you meet in person!
- Create action items for yourself when organizing your notes
Next steps, meeting details, follow up plans are important to keep in mind!
- Takeaway points
Write down a few key points from each session
- Pick the right sessions and plan your schedule in advance
Map out a tentative schedule of the highlights, and be sure to find time for the social events too! Don’t worry if you cannot make it to everything, it can be overwhelming, but having a plan certainly helps!
With these tips and tricks for success, you can maximize success for the conference and beyond!
Megan Kamath is a Fellow in Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Her research interests include outcomes and decision making in advanced heart failure and utilizing technology in healthcare. She is now tweeting @MeganKamath, so follow her on there!